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987654321PQDie Starter


21. November




20:20 Uhr

Preis der Karnevalsgesellschaft Grün-Weiss Walsum

  • Startsumme: bis 8.500 €
  • Distanz: 2.100 m / A
  • Dieses Rennen startet in

Superior Diamond

Danny Brouwer

Johannes Spronk

Johannes Spronk

2016:17,72.320,- 21−2−12
2015:18,02.030,- 14−2−7
17,74.850 €5j. br. W. v. Diamond Way a. d. Superior Crown Johannes Spronk,22100A Marco Spin (1)60
Billy the Kid TP-Barbarella-Delian Breeze,22100A Marco Spin (1)161
Superior Diamond-Gotika-Lordano Ass,3D2100A Micha Brouwer (1)93
Adoro Scott-Seduttore Park-Rihanna Memory
 24.07.dis.r. 2100A Danny Brouwer (1)88
Delian Breeze-Webi Rower-Lady of Wood,72100A Lea Ahokas (2)342
Yellow cat-Ivy Corner-Superior Diamond,5D2100A Florian Skringer (2)77
Eva Hallinck-Vrytzen-Laila Lobell,0CBe1600AAFCathrin Nimczyk (5)38
Logoped-Georgies Express-Gotika,9D2100AAFNick Schwarma (2)338
Billy the Kid TP-Velten Dynamite-Escondia,9D2100A Danny Brouwer (2)318
Whatawonder-Lady of Wood-Superior Diamond
 06.11.dis.r. NL1609AASTim Schwarma (11)999
Godiva Flevo-Tortuga Bi-Tennessee BLE

Dream of Pearl

Lea Ahokas

Anna H. Wagenaar-Brouwer

Yvonne Wagenaar

2016:16,51.775,- 13−0−11
2015:16,71.882,- 7−3−1
16,56.457 €6j. br. W. v. Royal Gull a. d. Pearl Lobell in den Niederlanden gez.,4D2100A Yvonne Wagenaar (1)71
Kalisco-Dream of Pearl-Montender As,2D2100APMUYvonne Wagenaar (5)226
Goodspeed-Beltaine-Fantasia Newport,82100A Yvonne Wagenaar (6)27
Zambonia's Wish-Bizzy Tolli T-Crownjoe Well,9D2100AAFAndrea Dworatzyk (5)51
Injah-Dream of Pearl-Balastero As,82100A Yvonne Wagenaar (3)89
Billy the Kid TP-Georgies Matador-Dream of Pearl,0D2100AAFAndrea Dworatzyk (3)121
Ivy Corner-Pietro Lombardi-My Little Letty,12100A Yvonne Wagenaar (6)167
Ivy Corner-Hamlet de Beaulieu-Pathos,2D2100AAFAndrea Dworatzyk (3)216
Unik Mac Laid-Dream of Pearl-Pietro Lombardi,1D2100AAFAndrea Dworatzyk (5)30
Billy the Kid TP-Victory Dream JB-Dream of Pearl,6D2100AAFAndrea Dworatzyk (2)42
Jerom-Billy the Kid TP-Dream of Pearl

Speedy Photo LK

Jan Thirring

Jan Thirring

Zoltan Thirring

2016:17,61.295,- 22−0−10
2015:17,8666,- 15−0−6
17,56.926 €9j. br. H. v. Fast Photo a. d. Anymore Lieselore König,92100A Ralf Oppoli (8)444
Superior Diamond-Gotika-Lordano Ass,82100A Jan Thirring (2)376
Replay Diamant-Velten La Varenne-Speedy Photo LK,0CHo2325B Jan Thirring (6)123
Capital C-Charly Boy-Speedy Photo LK,0CHo2300B Jan Thirring (5)63
Cryptonite-Lord Godolphin-Speedy Photo LK,42100A Jan Thirring (1)233
Billy the Kid TP-Georgies Matador-Dream of Pearl,0CQu2200A Jan Thirring (9)298
El Amigo-Big Bisou-Cereste
 19.09.dis.r. 2100A Jan Thirring (1)682
Ivy Corner-Hamlet de Beaulieu-Pathos,1D2100AAFKim Kornau (7)548
Billy the Kid TP-Victory Dream JB-Dream of Pearl,7D2100AAFSina Baruffolo (5)1582
Jerom-Billy the Kid TP-Dream of Pearl,0G2000A Jan Thirring (1)1624
Fleur Starlake-Georgies Express-Dreamlady Glatigne

Arrivederci C

Stefan Schoonhoven

Stefan Schoonhoven

Stefan Schoonhoven

2016:15,64.004,- 9−3−1
2015:17,31.135,- 11−0−4
15,65.139 €4j. F. H. v. SJ'S Photo a. d. Freiha Heikant Bas Michael Cremers
 08.11.dis.r. G2000A Stefan Schoonhoven (2)88
Final Countdown-Eileen Newport-King Bantam M,2D2100A Stefan Schoonhoven (3)22
Velten Cayenne-Arrivederci C-Sarina B,7G2000A Stefan Schoonhoven (1)113
Arrivederci C-Sugababe Diamant-Injah,8G2000A Stefan Schoonhoven (5)27
Arrivederci C-Belenos de Gruson-Barbarella,1D2100APMUStefan Schoonhoven (1)21
Arrivederci C-Shure Hit-Pietro Lombardi
 08.06.dis.r. G2000APMUStefan Schoonhoven (4)27
Frank W-Mr Bathuan Byd-Fury Boko
 22.06.dis.r. G2000APMUStefan Schoonhoven (1)32
Frank W-Fury Boko-Main Heuvelland,6G2000APMUStefan Schoonhoven (6)120
Fat Tony-Titanium Gar-Mr Bathuan Byd
 05.08.dis.r. BM1900AINSVStefan Schoonhoven (6)91
Out of the Slums-Herbie Dot-Sander LB,9D2100A Stefan Schoonhoven (7)25
Eva Hallinck-Monsieur de Fleurs-Yellow cat

Dream of Paradise

Klaus Horn

Leo Beckmann

Klaus Horn

2016:16,01.494,- 13−0−6
2015:15,7625,- 3−0−1
15,75.346 €4j. dbr. S. v. Micro Mesh a. d. Dream Of Fame Leo Beckmann,5G2000AAFJörg Hafer (9)83
Jonalu-Escondia-Gallanatics,22100APMUKlaus Horn (2)1958
Exclusive Lane-Goodspeed-Velten Dynamite,42100A Klaus Horn (7)95
Sugababe Diamant-Dream of Paradise-Whatawonder,8G2000APMUKlaus Horn (5)262
Frank W-Mr Bathuan Byd-Fury Boko,9G2000APMUKlaus Horn (7)321
Titanium Gar-Belenos de Gruson-Fernandos As,2G2000APMUKlaus Horn (6)474
Mr Bathuan Byd-Titanium Gar-Replay Diamant
 11.07.dis.r. D2100A Klaus Horn (8)35
Adoro Scott-Seduttore Park-Rihanna Memory
 28.08.dis.r. 2100A Klaus Horn (8)328
Yellow cat-Ivy Corner-Superior Diamond,3D2100A Klaus Horn (7)306
Whatawonder-Lady of Wood-Superior Diamond,0G2000A Klaus Horn (8)1818
Fleetwood Max-Ganyfleur-Vi Ka Gardenia

Victory Dream JB

Simon Woudstra

Bianca Ederveen

Johannes H. Hennink

2016:17,7650,- 12−0−4
2015:18,21.525,- 8−1−5
17,16.450 €6j. br. H. v. Sarenne As a. d. May Dream Vanilly Joannes Waling Bisschop,2G2000A Simon Woudstra (8)1068
Fury Boko-Skyfall-Shure Hit,7D2550A Simon Woudstra (6)173
Adoro Scott-Fuggedaboutit-Cereste
 22.06.d.r.a. G2000APMUSimon Woudstra (2)1179
Frank W-Fury Boko-Main Heuvelland,7H2200A Henri Joseph Pools (4)794
Unik Mac Laid-Forrest Beemd-Fräulein Butcher,0D2100AAFThomas Maassen (3)101
Davidson Boko-Balastero As-Gotika,0CBe2600A Simon Woudstra (7)2222
Fakir Oldeson-Yellow cat-Voll Toll,0CBe1600AAFJörg Hafer (6)93
Logoped-Georgies Express-Gotika,7D2100AAFNick Schwarma (4)352
Unik Mac Laid-Dream of Pearl-Pietro Lombardi,1D2100AAFJörg Hafer (4)163
Billy the Kid TP-Victory Dream JB-Dream of Pearl,9D2100AAFJörg Hafer (3)113
Velten Dynamite-Davidson Boko-Pietro Lombardi


Daniel Kloß

Daniel Kloß

Daniel Kloß

2016:17,81.030,- 10−1−3
2015:17,21.628,- 25−0−9
17,17.078 €6j. br. W. v. Pegasus Boko a. d. Jalna Reinhard Honemann,0G2000AAFDaniel Dotzauer (7)541
Yankee Maverick-Solo con Te-Babe,32100A Daniel Kloß (3)243
Viking's Star-Aila Scott-Jeanie Horn,5G2000AAFLea Holtermann (2)947
Dashing Dragon-Zwarte Koffie-Fernandos As,8H2200AAFMarcus Marks (10)1404
Enrico Hanseatic-Chakaka-Valentien W.,3G2000APMUDaniel Kloß (7)4099
Laufey-Excuse Me-Supervera Diamant,4D2100AAFMarcus Marks (8)1320
Davidson Boko-Evi Fiori-Magnificent Amosa,0D2100BPMUDaniel Kloß (3)3226
Sabsevar As-Cooper Star-Baby Blue,72100AAFMonique Hill (4)964
Racys Boy-Chinyero-Sean O'Malley,2D2100AAFNick Schwarma (3)197
Jerom-Billy the Kid TP-Dream of Pearl,8G2000A Daniel Kloß (4)471
Georgies Express-Lordano Ass-Billy the Kid TP


Willem C. Steur

Willem C. Steur

Willem C. Steur

2016:19,21.045,- 7−1−5
2015:0,070,- 2−0−0
16,17.175 €7j. br. S. v. Spendic a. d. Uwiki in den Niederlanden gez.,0CRa2000F Willem C. Steur (7)54
Cereste-Cryptonite-Tiraldina,9NL1609A Willem C. Steur (…)58
Donate Groenhof-Cereste-Attila,0CHo1700A Willem C. Steur (4)53
Devil in Disgise-Capital C-Cryptonite,0CHo2200A Willem C. Steur (7)35
Zephir-Estanzuela V-Cereste,3NL1900B Willem C. Steur (…)54
C'est Ca-Cereste-Andrea Starlake,0NL2080B Willem C. Steur (…)62
Candy Boko-Fakir Oldeson-Floor Petnic
 21.08.dis.r. CDr2100A Willem C. Steur (9)96
El Amigo-Dieuwke Frisia-Baby Blue,0CQu2200A Willem C. Steur (8)149
El Amigo-Big Bisou-Cereste,2NL1700A Willem C. Steur (…)278
Daisy va Camstra-Eristoff Blue-Diamond Twigs NL1609A Willem C. Steur (…)156
Blue Diamond-Estanzuela V-Daddy Cool

Edgar Kievitshof

Michael Nimczyk

L. Maaßen / C. Nimczyk

Wolfgang Nimczyk

2016:17,04.065,- 15−1−6
2015:15,72.042,- 8−2−5
15,77.647 €5j. R. W. v. Daguet Rapide a. d. Opera November Gestüt Kievitshof
 26.06.dis.r. 2100ABFNiklas Gutsche (8)116
Dre Starlake-Unik Mac Laid-Magnificent Amosa,6D2100AAFNiklas Gutsche (2)308
Chinyero-Pietro Lombardi-Davidson Boko,52100APMUDieter Brüsten (9)174
Vrytzen-Luca Brasi-Ciara LB,0BM1900APMUEnrico Bellei (6)251
Edgar Kievitshof-Harley As-Baschkir
 28.08.dis.r. 2100AAFNiklas Gutsche (8)44
Racys Boy-Chinyero-Sean O'Malley,0G2000AAFNiklas Gutsche (10)150
Velten La Varenne-Mister Magic-Georgies Express,0D2100AAFNiklas Gutsche (6)108
Billy the Kid TP-Velten Dynamite-Escondia,7G2000AAFMichael Gutsche (2)69
Eddiereadygo-Zwarte Koffie-Yankee Way,0G2000A Michael Nimczyk (6)28
Fleur Starlake-Georgies Express-Dreamlady Glatigne,6G2000A Wolfgang Nimczyk (5)38
Velten La Varenne-Fernandos As-David F Boko

Pietro Lombardi

Robbin Bot

Marie Charlott Wewering

Robbin Bot

2016:17,72.427,- 13−1−7
2015:18,04.669,- 19−4−7
17,77.671 €5j. F. W. v. Godolphin a. d. Risky Robbin Bot,5D2100APMURobbin Bot (8)51
Arrivederci C-Shure Hit-Pietro Lombardi
 05.06.dis.r. D2100AAFMarie Charlott Wewering (4)30
Avion-Noble Valley-Eddiereadygo,7H2200AAFMarie Charlott Wewering (8)42
Jonalu-Frieslands Diamond-Pietro Lombardi
 19.06.dis.r. H2200A Robbin Bot (11)59
Goodspeed-Above From De Hess-Los Vascos,5D2100AAFMarie Charlott Wewering (6)39
Chinyero-Pietro Lombardi-Davidson Boko,5G2000AAFMarie Charlott Wewering (4)34
Solo con Te-Sophie Menoud-Sean O'Malley,0H2200AAFMarie Charlott Wewering (8)52
Jonalu-Twelve in a Row-Pietro Lombardi,0D2100AAFMarie Charlott Wewering (5)37
Ivy Corner-Pietro Lombardi-My Little Letty,4D2100AAFMarie Charlott Wewering (5)33
Unik Mac Laid-Dream of Pearl-Pietro Lombardi,2D2100AAFMarie Charlott Wewering (6)32
Velten Dynamite-Davidson Boko-Pietro Lombardi